Medicare Family Safety Net: A Money-Saving Boost for Families

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The Medicare Family Safety Net is a money-saving boost for families who have high out-of-pocket medical costs. It works by combining the medical expenses of everyone in a family to help reach the Medicare Safety Net threshold faster- meaning you get higher Medicare rebates sooner.

How does it work?

  • If you’re registered as a “family” with Medicare, all out-of-pocket medical expenses for your family members count towards the same threshold.
  • Once your family reaches the Extended Medicare Safety Net (EMSN) threshold, Medicare covers 80% of out-of-pocket costs for the rest of the year (or pays up to a set cap for certain services).

Who counts as a “family”?

Medicare considers the following people one family unit for the Safety Net:

  • You and your partner (married or de facto)
  • Any dependent children under 16 years old
  • Full-time dependent students under 25 years old

*Important: You will need to register as a family with Medicare, even if you’re already linked for Medicare claims

What is the 2025 Medicare Family Safety Net Threshold?

  • Concession card holders & Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A families: $834.50
  • All other families: $2,615.50

Why should I register as soon as I know I’m expecting?

  • Pregnancy & birth-related costs add up fast – specialist visits, ultrasounds, blood tests, and obstetrician fees all contribute to your family’s Safety Net threshold.
  • Your partner’s medical costs also count – registering early means both parents’ out-of-pocket expenses start accumulating under the same threshold right away.
  • It helps cover newborn medical costs – once your baby is born and added to Medicare, their medical expenses (e.g., paediatrician visits, check-ups) will also count towards the Safety Net.

*Tip: If you’re planning fertility treatments (like IVF), registering for the Medicare Family Safety Net can make a big difference in reducing your out-of-pocket costs for medical expenses. Find out more here.

How do I register as a “family” with Medicare?

  • Register online via MyGov > Medicare
  • Call Medicare (Services Australia) at 132 011

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