Lilyfield Early Learning Centre

2-6 Justin Street, Lilyfield, NSW, 2040
5.0 Average score
Opening Hours 7:30am to 6pm
Licensed for 92 Children

Lilyfield Early Learning Centre overview

Welcome to Lilyfield Early Learning Centre

Lilyfield Early Learning Centre provides a holistic approach to the education and care of young children in a warm and nurturing environment that reflects the unique diversity of the children, families and local community. At Lilyfield ELC we offer 50% reduction of fees for holidays, as well as nutritious, gourmet food which meets each child's individual nutritional and dietary needs. We believe that every child should be afforded the opportunity to participate in centre activities and experiences, therefore we offer a variety of inclusive and free classes including interactive and live music sessions, promoting language, social and physical development, as well as free French language classes to all children ranging from 0-5 years which provides a range of benefits to children's cognitive development.

Lilyfield ELC recognises children as powerful and capable leaders in their own learning. Our teachers use each child's interests, strengths, experiences and challenges as the foundation of an educational program that supports each child's learning.

Our Educators support each child's learning through the implementation of teaching pedagogies that incorporate:

  • Providing an environment that is rich in open ended learning experiences  and supports each child's independent interests, learning and development;
  • Collaborative learning experiences between children and educators;
  • Implementation of intentional teaching opportunities where the educators  have an in depth understanding of each child's developmental level and  learning style in their care and actively engage in planning learning  opportunities to build upon and extend current knowledge and skills  through the provision of resources and meaningful discussions, questioning  and hypothesising;
  • Active engagement with the community of the Lilyfield ELC which includes  partnerships with the families of each child, local schools, businesses,  community groups and services; and
  • A curriculum that is rich in in the key learning areas of maths, science,  technology, literacy, music, creative arts and the environment which supports  the development of each child's language, cognitive, physical, social/emotional  and creative skills.

Each child attending Lilyfield ELC is provided with every opportunity to  achieve the learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework and:

  • Develop a strong sense of their identity;
  • Connect and contribute to the world around them;
  • Develop a strong sense of wellbeing;
  • Become confident and involved learners; and
  • Become effective communicators.

Fees & Vacancies

Lilyfield Early Learning Centre Service features

See more (4)

Lilyfield Early Learning Centre service include:

How Lilyfield Early Learning Centre compares with Lilyfield, 2040
Lilyfield Early Learning Centre
NQS Rating


2-6 Justin Street
Lilyfield, NSW, 2040
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Exceeding
Educational Program and Practice Exceeding
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Exceeding
Relationships with children Exceeding
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Exceeding
Governance and leadership Exceeding

Centre Reviews

5.0 (36 Reviews)
5.0 All sources (36)
# 5.0 Care for Kids (7)
Google (29)

LELC was once a nurturing place of care where children were the centre of every decision. Over the past 12 months under the... Read more

Would recommend to a friend
Oct, 2024

Our family has been coming to this Centre since it opened, but I could not in good conscience recommend it to anyone, since... Read more

Beth T image
Beth T
Oct, 2024

Unfortunately since Guardian acquired the Centre, it has become a really unhappy place. Over 50% of educators have left. I personally have reached... Read more

Eimear Fitzmaurice image
Eimear Fitzmaurice
Aug, 2024