
Sarita@Vision Family Day Care Service

Fees & Availability

Vacancies Avg. price/day Approved places

Family Day Care

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1 yr to 5 yrs

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Fees Approved service for CCS
Price $115 /hour


Welcome Sarita@Vision Family Day Care Service where I am regularly trained to keep updated with new industry changes and challenges. Regular professional updates are fundamental within Sarita@Vision Family Day Care Service, especially working in the early childhood education & care settings and ensuring our outstanding practices are demonstrated throughout. Here we see the evidence of event-based learning approaches that promote children’s ideas and decision-making skills. Being engaged in event-based learning, children in our care explore real-life experiences. Furthermore, we see how children collaborate to investigate the things around them and participate in problem- solving in their play. It provides a context for sustained short- or long-term learning and opportunities for children to connect knowledge and practice. They draw on knowledge and experiences socially and culturally significant from home and the community when planning and enacting events. This approach positively impacts early literacy and numeracy learning for children. Therefore, many families value Family Day care settings where they can preserve the language and the culture they belong to for their family.

Service Features

Educational & Developmental Programs
Allergy & Anaphylaxis Aware
SunSmart Aware
Art Programs
Community Connection

Services - what are the different

  • Family Day Care
  • After School Care


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Scheme's National Quality Standard Rating

What the National Quality Standard Ratings mean for families
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Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting
NQS rating last updated 28-Nov-2024. NQS rating applies to the service and not to the individual/educator.

Reviews for Sarita@Vision Family Day Care Service

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How Sarita@Vision Family Day Care Service compares with Blacktown, 2148
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Blacktown $115
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Blacktown Meeting
NSW Blacktown Sarita@Vision Family Day Care Service