Employed by families on a live-in or live-out basis to care for children within the home.
Nannies in Glenelg - Southern Grampians, Warrnambool and South West, VIC
- VIC/
- Allestree
- Bahgallah
- Balmoral
- Bellfield
- Bochara
- Bolwarra
- Branxholme
- Breakaway Creek
- Brimboal
- Brit Brit
- Buckley Swamp
- Bulart
- Byaduk
- Byaduk North
- Cape Bridgewater
- Carapook
- Cashmore
- Casterton
- Cavendish
- Cherrypool
- Chetwynd
- Clover Flat
- Coleraine
- Condah
- Condah Swamp
- Coojar
- Corndale
- Croxton East
- Culla
- Dartmoor
- Dergholm
- Digby
- Drik Drik
- Drumborg
- Dunkeld
- Dunrobin
- Dutton Way
- Englefield
- Gatum
- Gazette
- Glenisla
- Glenthompson
- Gorae
- Gorae West
- Grampians
- Grassdale
- Greenwald
- Gringegalgona
- Gritjurk
- Hamilton
- Harrow
- Heathmere
- Hensley Park
- Henty
- Heywood
- Hilgay
- Homerton
- Hotspur
- Karabeal
- Killara
- Konongwootong
- Lake Condah
- Lake Mundi
- Lindsay
- Lyons
- Melville Forest
- Merino
- Milltown
- Mirranatwa
- Mooralla
- Morgiana
- Mount Napier
- Mount Richmond
- Moutajup
- Mumbannar
- Muntham
- Myamyn
- Nangeela
- Nareeb
- Nareen
- Narrawong
- Nelson
- Paschendale
- Penshurst
- Pigeon Ponds
- Portland
- Portland North
- Portland West
- Purdeet
- Rocklands
- Sandford
- Strathdownie
- Strathkellar
- Tabor
- Tahara
- Tahara Bridge
- Tahara West
- Tarrayoukyan
- Tarrenlea
- Tarrington
- Tyrendarra
- Vasey
- Victoria Point
- Victoria Valley
- Wallacedale
- Wando Bridge
- Wando Vale
- Wannon
- Warrayure
- Warrock
- Winnap
- Woodhouse
- Wootong Vale
- Yatchaw
- Yulecart
If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your Nannies search to all of Warrnambool and South West.
Child Care Articles & Tips
What is a nanny?
An overview of nannies including what they do and don’t do, how much they cost, advantages and disadvantages, how to find and hire a nanny and more.
Interviewing a nanny or au pair
Interviewing a nanny or au pair? Read this article and use the checklist to prepare and ensure you ask all the important questions to hire the best person.
What are your obligations when you employ a nanny?
Hiring a nanny? Ensure you are aware of all your legal obligations and a simple employment contract template.
Nanny sharing
An overview of nanny sharing including what it is, who it works for, advantages and disadvantages, how much it costs and how to find a nanny share.
Can families get the Child Care Subsidy for nannies and au pairs?
Child Care Subsidy Eligibility criteria with regards to nannies and au pairs, can be confusing, this article clears up the questions.
How to use an agency to find a nanny, au pair or babysitter
Using an agency to source a nanny, au pair or babysitter saves time and effort but there are a few things it is useful to be aware of before you start the process.
What is the difference between a nanny and an au pair?
Apart from sharing the responsibility of providing in-home care for children, nannies and au pairs are quite different in other respects.
Nanny tool kit for parents
A comprehensive toolkit to help families interview, choose and employ a nanny, including legal obligations and maintaining a successful relationship.
What can a nanny offer your family?
In-home carer Betty Ertugrul explains why she loves her job and what nannies can bring to the families who employ them.
Retaining your nanny
Great nannies are worth their weight in gold! This article offers tried and tested strategies to maintain a great relationship and help you retain your nanny.
Nanny / parent diary
A printable nanny diary to enhance communication between parents and nannies by encouraging regular written updates and reminders.
The positive influence of a male nanny
Offering nanny-style services with a male dynamic, 'mannies' are both a practical and enriching option for many families.
What is it really like to have a nanny?
What is it really like to have a nanny?