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Fees & Vacancies
7 Sugarloaf Street (cnr Rode Rd)Wavell Heights, QLD, 4012
Centre Reviews
Of all the parenting decisions so far, putting our daughter into Penola has been the best one. It is an outstanding centre with... Of all the parenting decisions so far, putting our daughter into Penola has been the best one. It is an outstanding centre with a very big heart (and a HUGE new playground). The management and educators have been terrific, and they have very good staff longevity. It has been four wonderful years and we will greatly miss the Penola chapter in our lives! Read more
These people are insane. We spotted 2 people with around 10 children walking them to a park with no safety wear, no... These people are insane. We spotted 2 people with around 10 children walking them to a park with no safety wear, no hivis wear trying to stop traffic to get these kids to cross on an insanely busy street. Surely this is a massive massive child safety violation, 2 people to around 10 kids with nothing to make the visible, not even a lollipop, flagging down people to stop. Read more