Fees & Availability

Vacancies Avg. price/day Approved places

Family Day Care

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5 mths to 6 yrs

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Fees POA
Fee information is not available. Please contact the service directly for information.

5 yrs to 12 yrs

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Fees POA
Fee information is not available. Please contact the service directly for information.

Service Features

Meals Provided
Nappies & Wipes Supplied
SunSmart Aware

Services - what are the different

  • Family Day Care
  • Vacation Care


  • Pink map marker icon Registered with Family Day Care Sydney Wide Scheme Hurstville, NSW, 2220
  • Get directions icon Get Directions
  Map marker icon

Scheme's National Quality Standard Rating

What the National Quality Standard Ratings mean for families
nqs logo
Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting
NQS rating last updated 28-Nov-2024. NQS rating applies to the service and not to the individual/educator.

Reviews for Ying's Family Day Care

Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star Overall (29 reviews)
Gold star 5.0 Google (29 reviews)

Sharolyn Nacionales image
Would highly recommend to anyone who’s looking for a reliable childcare centre around the area. The staff and educators are all friendly, professional and passionate in what they do. Our little one has learned a lot with his social and communication skills and seemed to be always happy when we drop off/pick him up. It’s a beautiful centre and well maintained by staff. Thank you so much Little Star Early Learning Centre! As what I’ve always been telling, I truly appreciate all your hardwork ❤️ Keep up the good work 😊

Yoshitaka Suetsugu image
good hygienic environment at this center. All the staff members are kind.

Magdalena V image

How Ying's Family Day Care compares with Hurstville, 2220
stat rocket
This centre POA
Hurstville $136
This centre
Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star 5/5
Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star 4.8/5
National quality standard
stat pen
This centre Meeting
Hurstville Meeting
NSW Hurstville Ying's Family Day Care