
Bela's Blossoms Family Daycare

Fees & Availability

$166 N/A
Vacancies Avg. price/day Approved places

Family Day Care

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8 mths to 5 yrs

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Fees Approved service for CCS
Price $166.20 /day


At Bela's Blossoms Family Daycare, every child is seen as a unique flower, ready to flourish under the right care and guidance.

Supporting their autonomy and responsibility is paramount, empowering them to make choices, solve problems, and express themselves confidently. A warm, nurturing environment is provided where children are encouraged to explore, learn, and grow at their own pace. Just as each flower requires nurturing, patience, and attention to grow, so do the children.

At Bela’s Blossoms Family Daycare, children will have access to an orderly and accessible setup with a warm, natural aesthetic environment. The environment contains child-sized furniture and accessible materials that promote independence. Resources are organised and arranged to encourage exploration. They will be provided with a calm and nurturing space, with soft colours, wooden/natural toys, practical life tools, and sensory activities in a home-like atmosphere.

A foundation for lifelong learning and a strong sense of self is cultivated through a blend of play-based learning, meaningful interactions, hands-on experiences, and a focus on social-emotional development, alongside supportive guidance.

At Bela's Blossoms, the individuality of each child is celebrated, fostering a sense of belonging, curiosity, and joy in their journey of growth and discovery.

Service Features

Meals Prepared by In-House Chef
Educational & Developmental Programs
Nature-Based Play
Montessori Philosophy
Steiner Philosophy

Services - what are the different

  • Family Day Care


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Scheme's National Quality Standard Rating

What the National Quality Standard Ratings mean for families
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Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting
NQS rating last updated 28-Nov-2024. NQS rating applies to the service and not to the individual/educator.

Reviews for Bela's Blossoms Family Daycare

Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star Overall (3 reviews)
Gold star 5.0 Google (3 reviews)

Silke O'Callaghan image
Bella’s family day care is such a special place. Isabela is so considerate and has placed a lot of care and love into setting up this family day care. The way she speaks to the children is so respectful and loving, providing them with freedom and guidance to flourish.
Response from the owner 20 Nov 2024

That's really kind, Silke! Thank you so much 💜🌸

Lili Jones image
Bela blossoms daycare provides exceptional care for my son. She is loving, nurturing, patient and overall a great educator. Can’t give her a good enough review 🌼🤍
Response from the owner 15 Aug 2024

Thank you so much for your review. I’m so grateful for your trust. I love your little one 💜🌸

Mathias Piller image
Exceptional education provided here, Isabela is a great educator, with an amazing love for the little ones! She has always been amazing with us, and I cannot emphasise how good this service is.

How Bela's Blossoms Family Daycare compares with Pagewood, 2035
stat rocket
This centre $166
Pagewood $141
This centre
Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star 5/5
Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star 4.8/5
National quality standard
stat pen
This centre Meeting
Pagewood Meeting
NSW Pagewood Bela's Blossoms Family Daycare